Positive effects of an oral supplementation by GliSODin, a gliadin-combined SOD-rich melon extract, in an animal model of dietary-induced oxidative stress

We investigated the potential protective effects of two antioxidant molecules: Glisodin, a gliadin combined copper-zinc superoxide dismutase SOD (Cu,Zn SOD)-rich melon extract, SOD is a known enzyme that has been best studied as a regulator of antioxidant defence, and an antioxidant agent N-acetylcysteine (NAC).

A single center, pilot, double-blinded, randomized, comparative, prospective clinicwith tazarotene 0.1% cream alone and in combination with glisodin® skin nutrients advanced A

GliSODin® Skin Nutrients Advanced Anti-Aging Formula (GAAF) in combination with Tazarotene cream 0.1% (TAZ) is safe and provides significant clinical benefit with relative improvement in facial fine wrinkling, overall photodamage, skin moisture and elasticity

Effects of Oral Supplementation With Plant Superoxide Dismutase Extract on Selected Redox Parameters and an Inflammatory Marker in a 2,000-m Rowing-Ergometer Test

supplementation with an extract rich in SOD activity promoted antioxidant status and protected against increased inflammation in the serum of professional rowers but had no effect on oxidative damage induced by exhaustive exercise.

Antioxidants – Time to rethink our strategies?

Antioxidants’ are all individual in their properties; in their cellular compartmentalisation, in their ability to cross cell membranes, in the speed with which they undergo chemical reactions (kinetics), in their solubility, in their bioavailability, in their interactions with other molecules and in their ability to act as messengers, sending signals which initiate critical processes.